The Most Influential New Yorkers, as Deemed by Ever-Influential 'New York' Mag

Four reasons to completely disregard New York's list of "influentials":
1. Lindsay Lohan: "Equally impressive is her uncanny ability to keep herself in the tabs with a parade of debasements that have knocked Paris Hilton into history. And she hasn't turned 20 yet."
2. Sarah Lewitinn (AKA Ultragrrrl): "A recent party she hosted in Austin had wannabes waiting on block-long lines and scaling fences."
3. Leigh Lezark (AKA Princess Coldstare): "Equal parts Louise Brooks and Kate Moss, Lezark is a downtown "It" girl-cum- marketing phenomenon."
4. Nick Denton, Gawker Media: "Made blogs a popular—and profitable—art form, partly by paying his bloggers intern-level wages."