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We're compelled to pause momentarily from the hand-wringing over What M:i:III's Poor Showing Means For Society to note the second-filthiest blind item* we've ever seen on Page Six:

WHICH Hollywood hellcat supposedly has a sick sexual fetish for something called the "Donkey Punch?" The starlet was having sex with a much-older boyfriend a while back and begged her shocked bedmate to "hit me in the face" at the peak of their passionate lovemaking . . .

We really have no desire to figure this one out (different face-battering strokes for different folks, we always say), but we do feel the need to point out that Page Six's description of the arcane sexual practice isn't accurate. Anyone who's ever had a drunken conversation with a member of a college lacrosse team knows that the blow administered during the highly theoretical move is to a different part of the head. (Don't follow that link unless you're ready to be disturbed.) In their rush to sensationalize an already sufficiently unsavory item, the Sixers have apparently mixed up the "Donkey Punch" with an old-fashioned, moment-of-orgasm knuckle sandwich. Happy Monday!

[*The first-filthiest, of course, is the one about the Butterscotch Stallion's salad-tossing proclivities—not due to the act itself, but because the barely veiled nature of the item gave us a pretty unpleasant image with which to cope.]