Snacky or Flacky Stage 2: Paula and Terra win — for now
Two more PR hotties drop out of Snacky or Flacky in weekend voting. Next up, two more face-offs determine tomorrow's herd-thinning.

Steve Langdon, the Google flack on Yahoo Personals, is no match for TagWorld publicist Paula Gould. She comes home with 83% of the vote.

Terra Carmichael soaks in that Yahoo-voting love, beating Simply Hired publicist Kay Luo with over two-thirds the total vote. Hey, in this tourney, some very pretty people must suffer.
After the jump, full, in-gory-detail poll results.
Results of: Snacky or Flacky Stage 2: Paula Gould vs. Steve Langdon [Valleywag]
And: Snacky or Flacky Stage 2: Terra Carmichael vs. Kay Luo [Valleywag]
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