Snacky or Flacky stage 2: Margaux and Brooke win
Two gentleman learn the meaning of "glass ceiling" in what's less a victory for open source and more a sad confirmation that this blog won't get me thousands of fawning female fans. Weber Shandwick's Margaux Vega beats co-worker Jeremy Pepper, and Brew Media's Brooke Hammerling takes a landslide — no, a massive tectonic event — win over Ogilvy's Justin O'Neill.

Brooke hammers Justin, 366 votes to 56, and still has enough hotness for another round.

To the 54 people who voted for Jeremy: Good on ya. To the 373 who voted for Margaux: Isn't she the cutest?
Next up: Stage 3 cuts two more flacks off the Snacky or Flacky gravy train. Full poll results after the jump.
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