The CorcoDevil's Blog Captures Our Hearts

If you haven't been following the blog of insatiable archfiend of real estate, Barbara Corcoran, you really should. Purportedly written by a "mouse" hiding within her new offices (but clearly penned by some bored underling), it refers to the CorcoDevil as "blithely unaware" of what's going on around her and notes that she has a two-page list of things "she wants everyone else to fix." Our favorite, however, is today's item:
After David Blaine's "failure" in the fish tank, there have been rumblings of an idea going around the production staff. They think Barb could do better. They are proposing she spends 8 days in the tank then at the end simply stops breathing for good. That way our workload would be cut and we could enjoy the summer in style. They are in negotiations with 3 major networks and things are looking good.