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WWD reports today that the defibrillation of Radar continues; now equipped with office space ample enough to build the most formidible pillow fort, founder Maer Roshan has reportedly hired three staffers. We're relatively certain that two of those individuals are Radar vets Chris Tennant and Remy Stern (you have to sincerely admire their dedication and loyalty, ill-advised or not), but we're unsure of staffer number three. If any of you have any ideas as to who's the third amigo, we're listening. The online site will launch first, and the print publication will theoretically follow no earlier than September or October (assuming things don't implode first).

As for the money, Roshan was originally talking to billionaire Ron Burkle about funding through Burkle's Yucaipa properties, but that was before Burkle accused Post gossip Jared Paul Stern of attempted extortion. Nevertheless, WWD notes that Burkle is still in the picture, and word on the proverbial street is that he will remain the big money behind Radar:3 — we'd heard Burkle was and is pushing the project forward to the tune of $15-20 million. So, despite being Zuckerman-less this time around, Radar probably shouldn't hope for better buzz from the Post and Page Six.

While Burkle may be the alpha beast behind the wheel, there are other unconfirmed names being floated around as possible partners. WWD mentions Endeavor agent and Entourage muse Ari Emmanuel, and we've heard Yussef Jackson's name tossed around. But of all the possible cooks in the kitchen, the most promising one we've heard is August Busch. If there's anything that will ensure success, it's giving Maer an endless supply of Michelob Ultra and free passes to SeaWorld.

Update: We should note that as of right now Remy Stern is telling his friends that he's not "committed" to Radar (after last time, is anyone really, in their heart of hearts?); he does have some super-secret web project that he's working on to keep him otherwise occupied.

Memo Pad [WWD]
Earlier: Gawker's Absurdist Coverage of Radar