No Fucking Shit: 'My Friend Leonard' Fabricated

It must be an incredibly slow day around the Associated Press: they're reporting that James Frey's second book, My Friend Leonard, is sprinkled with bullshit. Considering that the plot of Leonard picks up where Frey's first book, the heavily fabricated A Million Little Pieces, left off, this should surprise approximately no one.
In an author's note included in the newly released paperback editions of Leonard, Frey writes:
To call this book pure nonfiction would be inaccurate. It is a combination of fact and fiction, real and imagined events.
Move along people, nothing to see here.
Actually, when you think about it, the idea of Frey coming clean in an author's note is kind of adorable. It implies some sort of childlike adventure into an imaginary world, a happy place with butterflies and rainbows and where nobody watches Oprah.