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In a disappointing little update to the "BBC mistakes cabbie for IT expert" story, it's come out that the bewildered man mistaken for IT expert Guy Kewney — and then mistakenly interviewed on live TV — is IT expert Guy Goma. According to Kewney, Goma is not a cabbie but a business studies grad who was at the Beeb applying for a high-level IT job.

Guy's expertise is in data recovery, which is still a far cry from music-download expert, and he was shocked at what he thought was a sudden initiation ritual. But still, with all his expertise, the best bullshit he could spin was "You're gonna see a lot of people...downloading...on the Internet." With bluffing skills that weak, how's this guy going to last in IT?

That "Guy" - he really is a Guy, and not a cab driver, either! []
Earlier: The IT expert cabbie [Valleywag]