Rumor Mongering: Bargman Gently Eased Out?

From deep within the jungles of New Jersey, a bit of totally unconfirmed chatter: We hear that Life & Style executive editor Joe Bargman may not last much longer. EIC Debra Birnbaum has reportedly assigned Chris Kensler, formerly of OK! and Celebrity Living, to "work with" Bargman. Interestingly, Kensler may also have the same title of executive editor.
Though sifting through Jessica Simpson photos is challenging, it hardly merits two executive editors, nor do we suppose Bargman was looking for a co-executive editor to help him concoct new twists in the TomKat plot. Unfortunately, this may be Bauer's way of giving the axe, ensuring as slow and painful a process as possible. Think of it as "assisted canning."