• Ballmer, Brin, and the other big boys take potshots. Google's Sergey Brin about Microsoft: "We just see the history of that company behaving anti-competitively and not playing fair." MS's Steve Ballmer about Google: "Can you imagine writing a letter to someone. 'Hey, Mom, I am upset with the gun policy.' Then an ad pops up and says, 'Hey, do you want to buy a gun?'" Yahoo's Terry Semel about Microsoft: "My impartial advice to Microsoft is that you have no chance." [ISEdb.com]
  • Matt Cutts is a Google celebrity. In the lame way that Walt Mossberg is a celebrity. [ClickZ]
  • Michael Arrington could make a million a year. But he blows it all on renting the secret CrunchCave and CrunchMobile. [OKDork]
  • Okay, fuck it. Gizmondo's Stefan Eriksson is so terrible that he's awesome. [L.A. Times]
  • Lloyd Grove gets pissy after Terry Semel teases him — in front of all the cool media people! Terry, that is just mean and you should apologize or Lloyd will keep sniping at you in his gossip column. [NY Daily News]
  • MTV plans to kill iTunes. The plan: "We will concentrate on people who don't have iPods." So, like, music for uncool people? [Financial Times]