Tonight: We'll have fun fun fun at the Wired Rave Awards (you're not invited), where winners include Steve Jobs (winner of the Steve Jobs award. I'm not making this up), local developer Jesse James Garrett (inventor of Ajax), Valleywag's big sister Lifehacker, and...drumroll...George Clooney! Granted, Clooney (pictured receiving a real award) didn't show for the TIME 100 ceremony, so Wired's chances are slim. And it may actually be boring. But we'll really have fun fun fun at the Rave Awards Afterparties (you're not invited), so I'll be at both to see how fast the Blizzard Entertaingment team (winners, Games category) get drunk.
All this week: Wagging correspondent ConFonz will attend Sun's JavaOne Conference so you and I don't have to.
Thursday morning: SVASE (the Silicon Valley Association of...something...Entrepreneurs) holds a VC Breakfast in a Sand Hill Road law office. Isn't this what Buck's is for?