On the Matter of Publicists and Gawker Stalker

This is something we've been meaning to address for some time, but it wasn't until yesterday that we realized how truly pressing the issue is: yes, dear publicists, we are aware that you plant your clients in Gawker Stalker. But PR-styled sightings kind of defeat the purpose. When we catch these releases-in-disguise (and we often don't) we take said items and edit out any particularly egregious plugs so that we're left with a regular item. But then we get an planted sighting like the following:
From: Flackypants
To: Gawker
Subj: Betsey Johnson - May 15
Outside of the Grand Hyatt at 7:45PM. She was with a bunch of girls in their Betsey Johnson dresses. Appeared as if she was going to some sort of fabulous fashion event at the Hyatt. Possibly the 28th Annual American Image Awards?? She was honored with the Designer of the Year Award!
Account Executive
[Insert name of PR firm here]
This is a joke, right? Please?
We understand that by publishing her email, the flack behind it has succeeded in getting her plugs out there. But we're OK with that, because we want this to be a learning experience for publicists everywhere: a lesson in how not to do your job.