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The Comedy Central bowlers stopped by to collect the coveted NYAMBL Bowling Pin on their way to pimp out the team yacht.

The New York All-Media Bowling League wound up its first season last night with a "wrap party and awards banquet" at a restaurant and bar called Trinity Place, ridiculously far downtown. There was free tequila, gift bags, awards, prizes, and — did we mention? — free tequila. Commissioner Bill Keith, rakishly tuxedoed, presented the awards: BBC America and Reuters were named the best-dressed teams; Entertainment Weekly had the highest single-game score (662, among four bowlers), and a Comedy Central squad was the league champion. And Gawker Media, we're very proud to say, won nothing at all.

A few more of Eliot Shepard's photos are after the jump.

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NYAMBL spirit chair Erin Jontow, commissioner Bill Keith, and chair of vices Sophie Brendel. They enjoy spirits and vice.

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Like any decent awards show, this one included a video tribute to those in the community who died this year. Or, in this case, a tribute to staffers whose mags died this year.

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When Keith closes his eyes and wishes — really wishes — he can almost convince himself he's holding an Oscar. Or at least a Golden Globe.

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Brendel was afraid she'd run out of gift bags, which included a tiny tank top, an issue of Giant, a book light, and a BBC America t-shirt bearing a cheeky Britishism. Her fears were unfounded.

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Gawker Media managing editor Lockhart Steele, to Robert Putnam's chagrin, prefers bowling alone.