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· The Senate approves an indecency bill that would increase broadcast fines tenfold. According to precedent, the next time CBS decides to see if it can slip a teen orgy past the censors, it will cost them $30.6 million. And we don't even want to consider what a Super Bowl nipple-slip might cost in this brave new world. [Variety]
· The Reporter uncovers big news: Fewer broadcaster means fewer shows! Crazy shit, yo. [THR]
· Paramount renames its specialty division Paramount Vantage, which sounds more like a new plaque-fighting, tooth-whitening toothpaste than a movie studio to us. Then again, we were bound to be disappointed by anything other than John Lesher's House of Hugs. And no, we really never get tired of looking at that collage. [Variety]
· Casting, casting, casting: Rachel Weisz, Colin Firth, Ian McKellan and Susan Sarandon to star in the political thriller The Colossus, while Naomi Watts hooks up with Viggo Mortensen in David Cronenberg's Eastern Promises for Focus Features. [THR, THR]
· And in what will probably be the happiest news we hear all day, Conan O'Brien will host the Emmys again, after four year reprieve from awards show responsibilities. Can't wait for when Triumph invites Aaron Sorkin to join him for some crack and hookers backstage. [Variety]