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With the posting of the millionth article about Buck's Restaurant (this time in the Seattle P.I.), the Silicon Valley pancake house is now officially in a new golden-brown age.

And the popular restaurant needs the ultimate sign of privilege: a bold-name-spotting map on par with Mediabistro's "Lunch at Michael's" feature. Yes, we need an alliteratively joyful "Breakfast at Buck's."

But Valleywag is currently, well, underrepresented in the town of Woodside, where the VCs flock from Sand Hill Road for Buck's pancakes. So Valleywag needs a weekly Buck's correspondent with a sharp eye for important people and a sharp tongue for telling who's meeting with whom. Be the reigning gossip of Woodside — e-mail with the subject "Buck's reporter" to apply. (Link to your blog if you have one.) Because when Jurvetson orders the Spanish Omelet, you'd better pay attention.

Venture Capital: Silicon Valley's startups booming [Seattle P.I.]
Buck's of Woodside [Official site]