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Hot damn, Yahoo Media Group is on fire, according to this tipster. If the report is true, the new Yahoo Studios Group could be just what YMG head Lloyd Braun needs to reassert his value to the company.

I work in the NY office of Yahoo (media sales) and just got word that Lloyd's group just went through a reorg. Shawn Hardin is gone. A new guy from CNET is going to run Entertainment and Games. Scott Moore to run Lifestyles in addition to his current duties (includes News & Finance). David Katz to head a new group called Yahoo! Studios - fashioned as an internal programming and production house for original content. much for abandoning original content.

What? Oh...Lloyd's not heading Yahoo Studios? But... wasn't that...why Yahoo hired him?

Lloyd Braun background: Yahoo's media boss: so out [Valleywag]