Daily Gawker Stalker: Benicio del Toro Reliably Scruffy, Sexy

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The latest from the sunny streets: Benicio del Toro, Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, Chris Rock, Marc Jacobs, Patrick Dempsey, Jay O. Sanders, Ajay Naidu, Sheryl Crow, Larry Mullin Jr., Mike Myers (avec hockey stick), Conan O'Brien, Chris Carrabba, Carmen Kass, Lenny Kravitz and Anoushka, M. Night Shyamalan, Ad Nags, Donny Deutsch, Tim Robbins, Justin Timberlake, Katie Couric, Kiefer Sutherland, Trey Anastasio, Larry King, and just about everyone at the 5th Avenue Apple store. More here.