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The X-chromosome-abundant cast members of X-Men: The Last Stand sat down for some frank, mutant girl talk with the AP in support of the movie's premiere at Cannes. Among their revelations: Anna Paquin suffers from a crippling case of superpower envy, while Halle Berry, still mistrustful of men, only wishes her character Storm could find some true romance:

Paquin: I still never get to do anything. Three movies, absolutely no action. It's kind of amazing. [...]

Berry: Well, you got a great love story. I didn't have that. I got no action and no story. I had nothing.

Paquin: I had some gloves. [...]

AP: What kind of superhero would your moms have been happy to have you bring home as boyfriends? [...]

Berry: I don't know. I'd just like one to tell the truth. I'd be happy with an honest one.

Romijn: Honesty Man!

Berry: Could you at least not lie? Tell the truth all the time?

One can hardly blame Berry for constantly allowing her own man-hate to bubble up to the surface. After all, her own ex-man, Eric Benet, aka Sex Addicto, was barely able to contain his powerful mutant ability to sleep with anything that moves.