Dr. 90210, Self-Deputized Air Marshal

In what is easily the greatest act of airborne heroism by a basic cable reality television star since the really swishy one from Queer Eye sassed up a Southwest flight attendant's totally frumpy uniform by encouraging him to half-untuck the front of his shirt, Dr. 90210 star Dr. Robert Rey utilized the martial arts skills he so ably displays each week on his E! titty-makeover show to subdue an 80-year-old passenger in the midst of a cockpit-charging freak-out on an American Airlines flight late Monday. We shit you not:
Dr. Robert Rey, a plastic surgeon who practices martial arts, told The Associated Press he got out of his seat and intervened when he heard the man make a "big noise" as he pushed a female flight attendant toward the cockpit.
"When you get a black belt, at that stage your brain just clicks into action," the doctor said. "I restrained this gentleman in a very aggressive way without hurting him."
With the in-flight crew's attempts to halt the agitated, elderly man's cockpit blitz by asking him, "Does somebody need a nap?" in a condescending tone clearly failing, it fell to the quick-thinking, black-belted cosmetic surgeon to spearhead the octogenarian-restraining efforts of his fellow passengers and secure the cabin, a sequence of events that will later be described to scores of impressed breast augmentation patients as involving fifty roundhouse kicks to the masked faces of an entire coach class full of lethal terrorists.