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Belatedly, we pass along a report from a Publishers Weekly subscriber who noticed a wraparound advertisement for Rodale Books affix to last week's issues. Among the motley crew of titles flacked by the health-and-wellness publisher:

• A book by Al Gore;
• A book called Air America: The Playbook;
• A book called An Accidental Activist, by John Kerry's daughter;
• Tom Sykes' book about getting fucked up and blacking out
• Some kind of memoir by ABC's Lynn Sherr
Love, Magic & Mudpies by Bernie Siegel;
• And my favorite: David Zinczenko's long-awaited Men, Love & Sex, subtitled "A User's Guide for Women."

Finally, a good answer to the question, "What do Gore, Kerry, and Zinczenko have in common?" (We'd always assumed it was the abs.)

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