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So we're watching Anderson on Oprah right now — how could we not? — and, as Jossip promised this morning, we don't think it tells us anything we didn't already know. But that doesn't mean there's not some interest in the retelling of the old stories — and especially in Oprah's weird fixation on, of all the details in Anderson's life, his brother's suicide in 1988. She talks about it with him, she talks about it with his mom, Gloria Vanderbilt, and she even goes so far as to bring him up to the East Side building where he grew up, and from which his brother jumped, which Anderson hasn't visited in something like 15 years. "What was that like for you, going back?" Oprah asks after showing the clip. "Yeah, it wasn't really pleasant," Anderson answers. A few moments later comes a commercial break, with a teaser for Oprah's upcoming trip to Auschwitz with Elie Wiesel. "See the Holocaust through the eyes of the man who lived it," she says in a voiceover. "Tomorrow!"

The woman is sick.

CNN's Anderson Cooper Reveals His Family Secrets []