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A reader respins the Yahoo Media Group reorg, saying CNET exec Vince Broady (pictured) could be the upstart to unseat YMG head Lloyd Braun. (Broady was named in news reports today after Valleywag ran a less specific tip yesterday.)

Yahoo landing Vince Broady is HUGE. The guy is a big swinging dick. Founder of Gamespot and one of the biggest sources of revenue for CNET. Basically, this guy can run circles around Lloyd. I don't think Lloyd's stock is rising at all — if I were Lloyd I'd be sprucing up the resume.

Vince is an asshole, but he's a brilliant product guy — unlike Lloyd. And he rejoins his Gamespot cofounder Pete Deemer, who is VP of products at Yahoo.

Meanwhile, a commenter writes that Lloyd Braun brought David Katz to Yahoo, and that Katz's new Yahoo Studios falls under Braun's domain. So while Lloyd isn't out of the woods yet, he's got his original content studio. Now, Lloyd, just don't make that puppet-anchored news show and you're safe.

Earlier: Hot tip: Lloyd Braun back in business [Valleywag]