Bouncer Goes Above and Beyond, Kills Patrons

Gunfire broke out at West Chelsea stripey den Opus 22 last night, resulting in one dead and three wounded. The culprit? The bouncer, of course. You know, the dude that's there for safety and crowd control [insert obligatory Darryl Littlejohn shout-out]. The victims were at a private open-mic party at the club and were asked to leave to make way for another event. They were allowed to reenter the club but had to pay a $20 entrance fee; the intoxicated patrons refused:
"The guy had a few too many and he kept acting up and I guess the bouncer decided to resolve this by shooting him," one witness said. "He pulled a gun and got him point-blank in the chest," in front of the club, the witness said.
When the mortally wounded man fell to the pavement, one of his buddies confronted Sakai, yelling, "Why did you shoot my friend?" another witness said. "The bouncer asked him, 'You want some, too?' and then shot him, too."
Is this considered dedication to the bouncing craft? And if so, who's going to guard you from nightlife's guardians?
Chelsea Bouncer 'Rampage' [NYDN]
Related: A well-timed guide to safely exiting a club [Clublife]