Young Production Assistant Tells of Colin Farrell's Unsubstantiated Miami Smack Party

This Memorial Day, take a moment to pay respects to Hollywood's assistants and crew members, whose toil and babble is the stuff celebrity weeklies are made of. Case in point: a reliable source in South Williamsburg happens to live right where Colin Farrell and company are currently filming Pride and Glory; last night, knowing she'd never actually get near Farrell himself, she made a move for the union workers:
They were taking a break from filming at about midnight, and Jon Voigt had already gone home (to wait for the Brangelina call, no doubt). Farrell was around somewhere, as were Ed Norton and Noah Emmerich, lolling in trailers tantalizingly right outside my door. Naturally I asked the crew about Farrell, so this was all from the talkative younger crew guy; the older cynical one chimed in every once in a while:
"Yeah, he has a bad reputation. But I'm telling you, he is a changed man. Forty-five days sober today! You know, I talked to him about Miami Vice. He told me, 'Yeah, I did everything you can think of—pills, needles, booze, name it, mate! Sometimes they had to carry me off the set!' That's what woke him up. He's really grown up a lot." So, no more drunken girls sprawled out in the trailer? "Well, there are still girls, I have no doubt of it! There are definitely girls. He's just not partaking in the drunkenness."