Wine Camp: Glad you didn't go yet?

To prove how X-TREEM bloggers roll (they camp! it's in-tents), joined-at-the-hip tech couple Chris Messina and Tara Hunt pulled a gaggle of geeks out to Winecamp this weekend for some roughing-it fun. (By roughing it, I mean their Macs weren't connected to the Internet.) Embedded reporter Dan Fost (pictured) reports at the SF Chronicle's tech blog:
Just because a conference has no organized agenda and no featured speakers doesn't mean it will devolve into chaos. Instead, groups formed instantly with verve and enthusiasm, and discussions ranged from highly geeky topics like the Drupal open source software to how to help nonprofits use technology.
Maybe I'm lowbrow, but normal people don't call that a successful conference. They call it a lousy camping trip.
Survivor: Winecamp [Dan Fost at SF Gate]
Photo: Wine Camp Calaveras [Tara Hunt on Flickr]