• Tuesday night: See if you can't sneak into NetSquared's reception at the Hilton Santa Clara. Bonus points for anyone who tapes a drunk demo and sends it to Valleywag. [NetSquared]
  • Wednesday afternoon: INBOX 2006 (a conference about e-mail. yay) hosts a reception at the San Jose Marriott. Now's the time to meet dynamic ex-Apple exec Guy Kawasaki. A free conference registration should get you in. [Inbox]
  • Wednesday night: Dine with Winer at a Blogger Dinner. Co-organizer Niall Kennedy promises a dinner bill of about $15 or less. No discounts for food flung at your blogging nemeses. [Niall Kennedy]
  • Friday through Sunday: The can't-miss event of the weekend — and it's all weekend — is Super Happy Dev House X. David Weekly's irregular coding fest commemorates its tenth iteration with a startup contest: Teams code dot-coms in one weekend, then see which one rakes in the most cash without human intervention. It's up to the winner to finagle those VC-bought lunches. [SHDH]