Erik Wemple Loves Rush Week, Accepts Bid to Pledge 'Village Voice'

Now that you've had a night to relax, digest, and sleep on the fact that the Washington City Paper's Erik Wemple will be the new EIC of the Village Voice, it's time for the real issue: who the fuck is this guy? The Times reports that the 41-year-old Schenectady native is an "unorthodox" choice:
Mr. Wemple acknowledged the challenge he faces, having never lived or worked in New York. "It's a huge place I know very little about, and it's important for me to be very upfront about that," he said in a telephone interview. Nor has he been a lifelong Voice reader. Until earlier this year, the editor's job at The Voice "wasn't even on my radar screen because I've been so deliriously happy at the Washington City Paper," he said. "I could barely see beyond the Potomac."
It's not so much that he won't know how to use the subway (we like outsiders, and you quickly learn when you're tossed out of the frying pan), but it's the "delirious" happiness he had in DC that's particularly troublesome. There's only one kind of person who's "deliriously happy" in our nation's capital: collar-popping, lifelong fratties who polybag their J. Crew catalogues. And Adam Nagourney. You know, precisely the types who'll thrive at the Voice.