NYC Finally Free of Danger

Good news! Despite whatever Western-directed rage that may have been sparked by Katie Couric's indulgent farewell parade, terrorists aren't going to bother New York. Or so says the Department of Homeland Security, which cut NYC's terror funding by 40% yesterday, from $208 to $124 million. Though the city is still receiving more funding than any other area, New York is also absorbing more than half of the overall funding cuts.
DHS officials claim that New York's cut is going to other locales more in need of funding, such as Wyoming, Kentucky, and Dollywood. But the belt-tightening could also be the DHS's punishment of New York's anti-terror programs, which are considered "among the worst in the nation." Really? Because our latest security measure, the Battery Park DHS Anti-Terror Turkey, would argue otherwise.
Feds to City: Drop Dead [NYDN]
D.C.'s Stupid Scrooges... [NYP]
Earlier: Turkey Fights Terror, One Gobble at a Time