Never a Dull Moment at Hot 97

Last month, Power 105.1 radio host Star threatened to urinate on the daughter of Hot 97's DJ Envy, saying on air, "I would like to do an R. Kelly on your seed, on your little baby girl." Star was promptly fired, but yesterday his attorney, seeking to have criminal charges against Star dropped, told the Daily News that Star's comments were in response to Envy's sidekick Miss Jones' on-air comments about Star. Jones allegedly called Star's mother a "prostitute" and his father a "tar black" "Sambo." And now, today, those on Team Star are taking to the Hot97 building, where every hip-hop star goes for a good shooting, to defend Star's desire to molest DJ Envy's daughter. After all, that bitch started it.
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 10:26 AM
To: Everyone in Hudson Street; Everyone in Hudson Street Others GLW & FP
Subject: Protest Rally Outside 395 Hudson Street Today
We have just been informed by Building Management that there will be a rally today beginning at approximately 2:00 p.m. outside of 395 Hudson Street (across Hudson Street in front of the construction site) protesting comments made by an on-air personality of the radio station. Building Management has assured us that they are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the security of our building and its occupants.
Earlier: Power 105: NY's #1 for Hip-Hop, R&B, and Coprophilia
Hot 97 Too Gangsta for Hudson Street Landlords