More Famous Babies: Woody Harrelson Completes His Trilogy

The Golden Age of Celebrity Fertility is surely upon us, as Woody Harrelson and his wife Laura Louie welcomed their third daughter into the world Saturday, People reports. And while little Makani may have arrived with considerable less fanfare than the Chosen One, she's already a leg up on her more famous peers in the kick-ass, hippie-dippie birth announcement department:
"In this crazy patriarchal world we live in, we are doing our part to balance the energy. We are proud to announce the completion of our goddess trilogy with the birth of our third daughter, Makani Ravello, born on June 3rd," the couple said in an exclusive statement to PEOPLE.
The statement is sure to set a competitive fire under Angelina Jolie, who, whether it comes to child-rearing or merely starring in Tomb Raider sequels, seems so far incapable of completing any "goddess trilogies" of her own. News of Harrelson's perfect she-trinity will undoubtedly have her dragging Brad Pitt back to her Nambian conception suite so the two can do their part to right any newly perceived gender imbalances in the universe.