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Now this is how to act when you bump into a Valley celeb! The blogger at Swanktastic spotted Google co-founder Larry Page and his brilliant Stanford love, Lucy Southworth, at a Palo Alto Taco Del Mar.

Larry was decked out in a plain white shirt and jeans, slightly graying hair (I feel your pain, L-Dog), and some excessively extreme to the max sunglasses. Both him and Lucy (who looks much better in person than in the few images which have been published of her) are eating burritos and sharing one of Taco Del Mar's giant vats of melted nacho cheese (aww). While trying not to gawk, I looked down to realize that I was, in fact, wearing my comfy, comfy red Google shirt. When I was near in line, I look over at Larry, who no doubt sees my vibrant Google shirt, and he shoots over a quick smirk. We share a moment. Sigh. (oh my heart is all a flutter).

Got a sighting of your own? Pop it to or IM: heyvalleywag.

Swanktastic [No permalink, sorry]