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For those of you who just tuned in, Philip "Pud" Kaplan of anti-evil-dot-com-blog Fucked Company fame gave up his job as AdBrite CEO. But did he ever commit the evils for which he trashed so many dot-coms in the 90s? From the last line of CNET's article:

"No, I'm not sorry about anything I wrote," Kaplan says of his days as Pud. "Much of what executives at dot-coms did back then was wrong. I'll always think it's wrong to lie to employees. We've never done that here."

One of the classic signs of a liar is an overemphatic repetition of words, especially words of affirmation or denial. But no, no one would accuse Pud of lying, not at all. It's wrong and it's just not done.

Dot-com exec gadfly Philip Kaplan cedes own CEO spot [CNET]
Earlier: Bubblewatch: Folded and fucked [Valleywag]