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Aaron Greenspan, Harvard student who worked on a Facebook-like independent Harvard student database, about dealing with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (pictured) when he asked Aaron for database advice:

I didn't like the idea of working for someone who had just been disciplined for ignoring privacy rights on a massive scale.

Facebook Chief Privacy Officer Chris Kelly and General Counsel Rudy Gadre, demanding that Gawker Media remove student profile info:

Facebook's terms of use are designed to protect the privacy of members, and information about them, within their particular Facebook community.

Aw, how sweet! Mark learned about privacy!

Authoritas, page 326 [Aaron Greenspan. More cheap gotchas forthcoming, but if you want to do the research and slog through this book, feel free, cause reading bores Valleywag.]
Facebook C&D's Gawker for showing super-secret profiles [Valleywag. I was kidding. Reading is fun. But still, do my job for me.]