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As you may have heard, MSNBC president Rick Kaplan — the famously antagonistic former ABC and CNN executive, and a shockingly tall Jew — announced late yesterday that he's leaving the network after two and a half years, in which time he barely budged the news network's anemic ratings. His departure was widely expected, given MSNBC's performance on his watch, and it once and for all proves that, surprisingly, the way to rescue a cable network is not in fact to pick as one of your lead anchors a male-to-female tranny. Who knew?

Kaplan Out at MSNBC [B&C]
President of MSNBC Steps Down Abruptly [NYT]
Rick Kaplan Out at No. 3 MSNBC [WP]
NBC News President Steve Capus' Memo [Romenesko]
Earlier: Rita Cosby: MSNBC Snags Well-Fed Blonde