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Because every New Yorker ends up spending an irritating amount of time in Duane Reade, it seems only natural that advertisers would capitalize on our enslavement to the drugstore:

In-Store Broadcasting Network (IBN) is betting millions it can win over Manhattan's influential media elite inside the cluttered aisles of the Duane Reade drugstore chain, where New York media buyers and planners regularly stop for basics such as milk and shampoo.

The Salt Lake City-based IBN is aiming to make a name for itself in the burgeoning world of shopper marketing and will bear the costs of the multimillion-dollar in-store marketing system of LCD screens in the 241-location drugstore chain.

Let's make sure we understand: Duane Reade and its business partners CAN take the time to install LCD screens in its stores so that some company can advertise shampoo, but they CAN'T do anything about the listlessly scattered, half-emptied boxes blocking the aisles, boxes that you must waste time searching through just to find that fucking shampoo — which really wouldn't take that long to place on the goddamned shelf, but the employees are too busy talking on their cell phones and flirting with the dude who works next door.

Duane Reade In-Store Video Ads Target NYC Media Buyers [AdAge]