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Someone or something has kidnapped the angry Spike Lee of yesteryear, and replaced him with lovable, huggy Spike, director of crowd-pleasing heist capers. The ongoing fuzzy-wuzzification of Lee shows no signs of slowing down, as he has been recently spotted doing time as Carrie Bradshaw's Cartier-loving girlfriend-in-crime:

Filmmaker Spike Lee and actress Sarah Jessica Parker attend a ceremony for Cartier at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York on June 8. The international jewelry company is launching a Love collection of jewelry, including the Love Charity bracelet. Some of the proceeds from the sale of the bracelet will benefit eight charities.

Seeing an open opportunity to pitch Parker, whose "edgy, dark" work in The Family Stone he so admired, Lee told the actress about an idea kicking around in his head he thought she'd be perfect for: a remake of his own Do The Right Thing, set this time entirely in a Manhattan department store during Christmas, with madcap, screwball romance stepping in for the original's racial rioting. Parker was immediately intrigued, and the two have since been busily developing the project during the commercial breaks of their regular Project Runway encore screening parties.