Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Russell Crowe Talks Gangsters Over Tacos

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers. Send yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Chad Lowe smiling.
In this week's episode: Russell Crowe; Jake Gyllenhaal; Sandra Bullock; Keanu Reeves and Michael Rapaport; Chad Lowe and Craig Wedren; Tom Hanks and Richard Lewis; Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa; Jenna Jameson; Zach Braff and Mandy Moore; Christina Aguilera, Jessica Alba, Kimberly Stewart. Paris Hilton, Brody Jenner, Nicky Hilton, Kevin Connolly, Lukas Haas, Spike Lee, Anna Faris and Jeremy Sisto; Mark Wahlberg; Julie Chen and Les Moonves; Robin Williams; Brian Grazer; Christian Slater; Ron Livingston; Mila Kunis and Amanda Bynes; Meg White; Adam Levine; Jessica Lange; Dermot Mulroney; Dennis Miller; Jenni Garth; Michael Vartan; Traci Lords; Cam Gigandett; Rosie O'Donnell; Calista Flockhart; Damon and Marlon Wayans; Alyssa Milano; John Lovitz; Lee Majors; Janice Dickinson; Caroline Rhea and Constantine Maroulis.
· I saw Russell Crowe at Baja Fresh on Santa Monica and Beverly today. I was distracted from my salad when I heard something about "gangster movies." I glanced over to my left and he was sitting not ten feet away. He looked like he had joined some kind of Grunge of the Month Club, in a hoodie sweatshirt and one of those trucker-style baseball caps—scragglier than he ever was in Gladiator. I assume it was to keep his identity L.A. Confidential (hehe sorry!), which I guess worked on me for awhile, although the people at the table in front of me kept looking over not-so-discreetly. On the plus side, he seemed pretty calm and not about to throw anything. The guy sitting across from him with his back to me was in a suit, and there was a skanky-looking woman next to Mr. Crowe, who had a bad dye job, black with cherry-red streaks, and her outfit wasn't any better than his. They left soon after.
· Spotted Jake Gyllenhaal at the weekly Hollywood Sunday farmer's market on June 4, with what looked like his mother, selecting various fruit, flowers, and veggies. He did not try to hide his appearance, instead wore just a simple t-shirt, cargo shorts, and sunglasses, and looking real cute. No one bothered him or even seemed to notice him.
· 6-2-06 The gay bar East West on Santa Monica Blvd (fairly new). Has started a lesbian night on Thursday nights. Sandra Bullock was there last night.
· 6/5/06- Last night at 8 pm showing of the break-up at arclight saw Michael Rapaport arriving with a small alterna looking chica. While waiting in line for tickets saw Keanu Reeves with an older looking girl who thought she was so cool to be with him. He was bouncing up and down in line doing a jig, desperate to be noticed. Don't know what he saw but we came out of our movies at the same time and Keanu and Michael talked by the door for a while, looked like Keanu gave him his card, major asskissing going on.
· Saw the newly single Chad Lowe at the Hotel Cafe last night (June 1st). He sat at the front table with 2 guys and one blonde woman and seemed to be having a great time. They were watching Craig Wedren perform.
· Was at the Springsteen show at The Greek tonight. Saw a very haggard looking Richard Lewis wandering around before the show, and a very festive Tom Hanks emerging from the hospitality area after the show. I suspect the smile was because his VIP status meant he wouldn't have to deal with the stacked parking. Spectacular show BTW.
· The Boss hits Los Angeles! Sunday night, June 5. Saw Bruce Springsteen at Kate Mantilini in Beverly Hills. Wearing jeans, a blue oxford shirt over a white t-shirt, and a gold chain. He looked happy, tan and... well, virile. He was dining with a group of about 8 people, all in their 40's/early 50's, possibly his new bandmates. There were 2 attractive redheads in the group, so I assume one was his wife Patti Scialfa. He stood up after the meal and stayed standing in the middle of the restaurant for a very long time, possibly enjoying the attention, but in an easy-going, Bruce-kind o' way.
· On 6/5/06 at Mexicali on Ventura in Studio City, Jenna Jameson looking porntastic.
· Zach Braff and Mandy Moore were at the Dodger game tonight. Don't understand why Mandy Moore was prominently featured on the Jumbotron but Zach Braff was not.
· attended the ultra-exclusive MTV after party hosted by Ms. Christina Aguilera (showered, with non-drawn-on eyebrows, and looking stunning) and a sullen Jessica Alba (who has seen better days - looking a little strained). I'll start fromt he bottom up: Kimberly Stewart, sporting crappy extensions and a clingy girlfriend, followed around Paris Hilton the entire night as she table hopped. Paris was wearing an extreme amount of makeup (foundation, false eyelashes, color contacts) it was a little unsettling. The hopping included a table with Brody Jenner (sans OC lady), a table with Nicky Hilton, and a suprisingly handsome Kevin Connolly, and Lukas Haas. At that table, Nicky sat in arm-crossed in the back of the booth, Kevin smiled and shook hands, Lukas talked with three cute girls (and I don't mean Cacee Cobb, or OJ's Lawyer's daughter who looks disgustingly fake). Spike Lee also cornered a table, while other celebs perferred the dance floor with the cilivians. Anna Faris looked cute and bubbly as she bounced around the floor. Jeremy Sisto is extremely handsome (and tall in person) - and to add to my obsession - he kept doing the robot with the cutest short-haired girl (even though she's way too young for him, i love it when a hollywood guy goes for a normal girl). Christina sang a little tune for her hubby towards the end of the evening and she really did look beautiful.
· I just saw Mark Wahlberg riding down the escalator at The Promenade at the Howard Hughes Center within the last 20 minutes. He was holding a 3-4 year old girl (that I assume was his daughter Ella) in his arms (in my opinion using her to shield his face) and was acompanied by a sandy, curly haired woman that I assumed was longtime girlfriend Rhea Durham, although I couldn't be sure, as she was wearing sunglasses. He had really greasy longish hair, a couple days of scruff, and was totally non-descript in a plain tee shirt and blue wind pants with a really crappy phone clipped to his waist. In all the giftbags of all the swag, that's the phone he had? Once off the escalator they perused the kiosk selling cell-phone faceplates...I sure hope he didn't buy one. All and all looks like just a little family outing.
· Went to Koi on 6/2 with some friends at about 7:30pm. We we an hour late so they put us in the lounge. I notice a beautiful Asian woman sitting with two older dudes next to us. I realized that was Julie Chen and to her left was the Les Moonves. She plays the role of trophy wife very well. Also does Les were anything besides a suit? He always looks like he is coming back from the office. Once their table was ready, I noticed that the other older dude paid the bar tab. Come on Les! Break out the corporate card and expense it!
· Saturday night June 3 -
Robin Williams, who has become a regular fixture in the Beachwood/Franklin neighborhood, dancing on the bar at Birds Saturday night, June 3rd. A crowd of about a hundred bar patrons cheered as he got up on the bar and began to gyrate wildly to the music. He apparently visits the local watering hole nearly nightly after attending improv shows at Upright Citizens Brigade Theater next door.
· Saw Robin Williams at UCB Theater—guess it was at least his second time there, or so I've heard tell. My friend and I re-entered the show a little late (love that free second show with paid first show admission on Saturday night thing) and were standing on the sides, Robin and a grey-haired fella who looked like he could be Robin's brother filed in next to my section of stairs. We were so close I could have held hands with Robin—and you know what else I wanted to, because that guy is actually quite the sex-ay older gentleman in person. However, I refrained, as I'm trying to lose my stigma as a second (polygamous)-wife/mistress type. RW didn't participate in the improv (this time) but seemed much delighted by the spectacle of brave comics recounting the way they were through the sharing of creative masterpieces of their youths—he was yelling "F*ck!" and reeling with a barely-suppressible glee. (Confidential to Scott A, call me, I loved/love the Smiths and had a great junior year as well. Unless you're married or have a girlfriend (see above).) Nobody on the stage scored a movie role or a major tour with him I don't think and no gold fell from the sky, but it was pretty cool anyhoo and my first true A-list [Ed. note: Ahem.] PrivacyWatch sighting (beats the hell out of Robin Leach, need I say, even if it was at the Playboy Mansion). And yes, he really is actually quite hot and I can't stop thinking about that, Mrs. Doubtfire and Patch Adams and my reputation be damned. It was a nice surprise.
· Just a half hour after arriving in Hollywood from the East Coast last Thursday, but who do I spy, Kevin Connolly (sans Nicky Hilton) having lunch at the Prana Cafe on Melrose Place. Waitresses flirted with him. The Entourage Boys were on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, which I noticed him eyeing at the newstand after finishing up his food. Mentioned something about 'environmentally friendly cars' to whoever was on his cell before leaving.
· Ran into Brian Grazer at the 1:35pm showing of "The Break Up" on Sunday (6/4) at the Third Street Prominade. He was there with his teenage daughter and a couple of her squeeling BFF's.
· Not especially exciting, but saw Brian Grazer (in sunglasses despite the gloomy weather) walking down Wilshire yakking something to assistant that I'm pretty sure included "global warming."
· Noted titty bar patron Christian Slater was hanging out at the jogging path along Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica. In case you're wondering if Slater has hit rock bottom since about 50% of those who hang out along the path are homeless, I can safely assume he's still part of the 50% with adequate housing since he didn't reek a pungent mixture of nitrogenous waste, malt liquor, McDonald's,
and Old Spice.
· I was having dinner tonight with a bunch of friends at the Edendale Grill in Silver Lake, when one of them nudged me and whispered, "Isn't that Ron Livingston?"
Sure enough, it was he, looking very Berger-esque in a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, walking purposefully past the bar to the secluded back patio. When I went to the ladies' an hour later he was still there, deep in conversation with another young, rather good-looking bearded guy. This sighting engendered a discussion amongst my friends about his best role, which everybody else thought was the alcoholic soldier in Band of Brothers (followed closely by Rob in Office Space) . Me, I still like the sweet guy he played in Swingers, the one who tried out for Goofy at Disneyland. ::sigh:: (And I am not his publicist! I just like him)
· Last weekend at the Beverly Center saw Mila Kunis at Coffee Bean with a group of friends. I recognized her first by her voice (Meg from Family Guy). She had Forever 21 bags, probably because she is unemployed now. Also at bev center saw Amanda Bynes at Bloomingdales shopping with a friend. She looked really natural and cute.
· I saw Meg White of the White Stripes at Footsie's in Lincoln Heights. Ok, it's not Tom Cruise or anything, but seriously... you NEVER see a celebrity in Lincoln Heights.
· Just saw ADAM "I've slept with every female in Hollywood under the age of 25" LEVINE walking out of Il Forniao in Beverly Hills. He was carrying a bag of food and looked good, although his tight black skinny jeans and boots seem a little hot for the 80+ degree weather.
· Went to lunch today at Da Pasquale Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills and who walks in with a floppy straw hat and cleavage baring sundress? Jessica Lange. Looks great - not a wrinkle or scar on her hands or breasts, and her face has been tastefully done for a naturally aged look. She sat down next to us after I had stared her down at the counter - maybe she hoped I would ask for an autograph?? She spoke fluent Italian to the waiter and flipped through Elle Magazine.
· My parent's were in town last weekend and Dermot Mulroney pulled up next to my convertible in a black Toyota 4-Runner on Santa Monica Blvd at Camden. Anyway, my Mom took it upon herself to shout to him "I looooved you in My Best Friend's Wedding!" from the backseat and my Dad and I acted as if we didn't know her and that she was a strange lady who invaded our backseat. He grinned at her and said "thanks". Looked pretty good with all the floppy 80's Patrick Dempsy hair. Does anyone ever remember his poor name?
· Tuesday 6-6-06: Dennis Miller queued up for the late matinee of "The Omen" on State St. in Santa Barbara. Go, Dennis!
· saw jennie garth and husband at target on sepulveda in van nuys... bad skin. is she pregnant? he was holding up shirts and then throwing them in their cart.
also saw michael vartan driving up wilshire blvd last night in a his dark grey mercedes, smoking a cigarette. very handsome.
· Traci Lords, Magnolia on Sunset, lunchtime with a hunky guy pal. She's very pretty, not a ton of make up, dressed smartly, well-spoken - I totally wanted to be her friend, but settled for eavesdropping on her conversation about home renovations (sadly, not a convo about BJ technique...Trace, holler atcher girl, I'm all ears.)
· Cam Gigandett aka 'The Guy who Killed Marissa Cooper on the O.C' at Coffee Bean on Sunset and Fairfax this past Friday. Smoking and writing something down while looking extremely hot. Definitely seems like a way better brooder than Ryan.
· Two modest slightly outdated sightings: knifing in and out of traffic on my way to Troubadour on 5/22 spotted Rosie O'Donnell riding the BMW with her lover but I pretended it was a bus and the short pixie blond was her sister. Then I laughed. Last Friday (5/26) doing the early morning Brentwood Country Club three-mile circuit and ran right by a power-walking Calista Flockhart. Since she's sort of my neighbor I won't make any catty comments about her funny-looking mouth.
· A little late on this one, but we saw the Wayans brothers (or at least 4 or 5 of them - how many are there?) eating dinner at Mr Chow's Beverly Hills on May 21st. I noticed them and pointed them out to my boyfriend. They seemed to be having a great time, laughing and chowing down on some amazing looking lobster dish (why didn't our waiter hook us up with that?). I kept talking about Marlon and Damien until my bf corrected me for the fifth time with "Damon". Uh, sorry Damon.
Tuesday night at IOWest for the LA Improv Festival, saw Alyssa Milano and her man taking in a couple of shows. She's a midget but still looked smoking hot.
· Last Night (wednesday June 7) at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood, John Lovitz was doing his usual 10 p.m. show when he suddenly stopped mid sentence to yell at the back row to stop talking. A wave of excitement came over the audience as they realized that John was jokingly yelling at Robin Williams who had come into the club in the middle of the show to see his good friend's comedy routine
· Waaall.. Lee Majors, y'all - the 6 Million Dollar Man. V. gracious, asked for (something not in stock) at the (shop in BH.) Vaguely recognized him, semi-frisson checking his card receipt. "We can rebuild him. We have the technology." Yessssssss.
· Was a guest of a friend at the premiere last night for the "Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency" show on Oxygen...and spoke to JANICE DICKINSONherself! Although she had no clue to who I was (nor should she), she briefly touched my arm and thanked me for coming! I loved it. Girlfriend looks good although you could bounce a quarter off of her face but she is sooooo skinny. And not in a good way, not even in an actress-with-an-eating-disorder way, but like she has AIDS or cancer kind of way. Her arms are as spindly as my ancient Grandmother's, who lives in a home. I actually read Janice's autobio, "No Lifeguard on Duty" and I know she's obsessed with staying young: doesn't she realize that at least SOME fat fills you out in a youthful way? That woman needs a double double with cheese, pronto!
· I saw Caroline Rhea at the Grove on June 5. I was in the bathroom and heard my friend squealing "OMG! It's one of the aunts from Sabrina the Teenage Witch!" So I RAN toward her (we had just scene Mission Impossible, so I was pumped) and she saw me chasing her and pretended not to notice. How sweet. Oh, and she was surprisingly thick for someone that hosts the Biggest Loser—- but not ugly. Just... thick. And not wearing much makeup. She was with a similarly-sized woman (Latina?) with pouty lips.
· Saw Constantine Maroulis + 2 friends (one male, one female who didn't seem to be a girlfriend) at Jerry's Deli in Studio City last night. He's certainly got the unapproachable rock star vibe down pat (including the ever-present Piper Cub aviator shades), but given how his fifteen minutes are working out for him, it's an affectation that is now somewhere near the intersection of amusing and sad. Perhaps if he'd go back to being the audacious-but-lovable Greco-glam rocker of yesteryear he'd get his sitcom deal back.