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Also, as a special treat, the cocksuckerest show about life in the old west, Deadwood, is having a contest to celebrate the release of its Season 2 release on DVD. Details are after the jump.

"It's time to get down-and-dirty with Al, Bullock and Trixie. The complete

second season of HBO's Deadwood, a 5-time Emmy winner, takes you to a place where everyone's raunchy and ruthless. Including the men. If you don't want

to try your luck, buy Deadwood Season 2 now at"

Simply e-mail Deadwood[at] with your best freestyle Swearengen-style cuss-off, and instead of getting your mouth washed out with a bar of Lava, you'll instead be rewarded for your colorful vocabulary with a copy of the entire Season 2 DVD set. Please have your entries in by 8 p.m. PST. Good luck, you cocksucking whorefuckers!