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Not one week since MSNBC's former president Rick Kaplan "stepped down" from his post, the fledgling network has promoted Dan Abrams to the position of general manager. This comes as bad news for fans of drowsy afternoon legal analysis, as it means he will no longer be hosting the Abrams Report (though he will, however, continue to act as NBC's chief legal correspondent, so we'll still get to watch Dan bat his pretty blue eyes on the Today show and Dateline).

While big Dan is no doubt relishing the promotion, the real winner in this story is his BFF Dave Zinczenko, who must be thrilled to have his wingman newly invigorated and kicking some fresh game. Ladies, look for these two studs to be on the celebratory prowl tonight.

Huge Change at MSNBC [TMZ]
Earlier: Rick Kaplan Quits MSNBC, in Setback for Tranny News Anchors