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Over at, Harvey Levin, the Dominick Dunne of people who monitor the entrance and egress of various B-listers at Hollywood's nightclubs, taps into his network to find out about the paparazzi-deflecting countermeasures that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have set up at their Malibu home:

They have installed a massive drape on the outside of the house that wraps around all four bedrooms. They did not, however, have drapes installed in the living room and other common areas, leaving those portions of the house exposed to paparazzi.

My sources say the property has been heavily re-landscaped with new bushy plants so no one can see in from adjoining homes and hillsides.

The nagging problem is the Pacific Ocean. Paparazzi still have a clear shot if they brave the water in kayaks and small boats.

Until the couple can contract a security firm to custom-build a 200-foot-tall curtain to close off their estate's massive, oceanside vulnerability, water-based privacy invasions will clearly be the tactic of choice for paparazzi seeking the six-figure payday of a bikini-clad Jolie building sand refugee shelters with her multicultural brood. In the meantime, Pitt will explore the possibility of having the section of the Pacific directly behind their house stocked with sharks and floating mines, assuring that any candid photos snapped will carry a heavy cost in paparazzi casualties.

[Photo: TMZ]