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We've yet to see any conclusive proof on the all-important question of Ann Coulter's plagiarism, but we've got a deeper query: Where does all the anger come from? Is Ann manufacturing her outrage, or is there something within her that actually generates this anger? Could it spring from a love of country that has become so twisted by the perversions of liberalism that it has no choice but to lash out with high-decibel hatred? Is its origin an issue with society and its marginalization of voices which dissent against the prevailing orthodoxies of the day? Or maybe it's just having looked like a chubbier, dark-haired version of Drew Barrymore in high school (26 years ago). One for the psychiatrists to figure out, we guess.

With Ann Coulter, how far is 'too far'? []

Earlier: Possible Plagiarist Ann Coulter May Have Been Plagiarizing As Far Back As 1997 (When She Was 36)