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Looks like AOL's Netscape Beta has bigger problems than ugly voting buttons. One of the new site's top stories has a seemingly unrelated message from Netscape managing editor C.K. Sample (pictured):

Netscape Anchor Commentary

C.K.: "Statement from AOL:

"At AOL, we have zero-tolerance for customer care incidents like this - which is deeply regrettable and also absolutely inexcusable. The employee in question violated our customer service guidelines and practices, and everything that AOL believes to be important in customer care - chief among them being respect for the member, and swiftly honoring their requests. This matter was dealt with immediately and appropriately, and the employee cited here is no longer with the Company .""

The post itself, a clip from the Today Show by longtime Weblogs, Inc. blogger Karina Longworth, is innocuous. The comment thread is devoid of any employee abuse. So what is C.K. talking about — and why is he posting this on a high-traffic page on launch day?

Matt Lauer rips into Ann Coulter on Today [Netscape Beta]