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Love Foreign Policy but wish it were published with more frequency? Good news! The folks at Washingtonpost. Newsweek Interactive have plans for a new "collaborative blog" called PostGlobal, where twice weekly, according to Editor & Publisher:

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius and Newsweek columnist Fareed Zakaria will pose a question to the site's diverse group of panelists, who will then file responses online from over 30 countries from China to Iran, from South Africa to Saudi Arabia, from Mexico to India. Their responses are anticipated to give a reflection of what is important globally and how various issues are perceived in different parts of the world.

Featured bloggers include a whole bunch of names of which you've probably never heard from a whole bunch of papers you don't read. Because what the Internet really, really needs right now is a more boring version of The Huffington Post. Launches Global, Collaborative 'Panel Blog' [E&P]