Jeremy Piven Hugs Out Thirty-Nine Thousand Of His Favorite Bitches

When you invite Jeremy Piven to lead the seventh inning stretch in front of tens of thousands of his fellow Cubs fans, you're not gonna get the PG-rated version of his Entourage catch-phrase. You're gonna get some full-on hugging-out-of-bitches, even on Father's Day:
Chatting on the field before Sunday's Tigers-Cubs game, actor Jeremy Piven and Cubs marketing chief John McDonough discussed how Piven would incorporate his signature line into his singing of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game."
They came up with: "Hug it out, Cubs fans."
But Piven couldn't resist going nearly word-for-word with his line from HBO's "Entourage."
"Let's hug it out, you little bitches," he yelled to the crowd at Wrigley Field. McDonough, while noting that Piven has been a loyal Cubs fan and friend to the team, was disappointed and issued an apology.
Despite the organization's ass-covering official apology, there seems to be no hard feelings between Piven and Cubs fans, who clearly took being called "little bitches" in his intended spirit of love and brotherhood.
Special Piven Bonus Section! Enjoy this fourteen seconds of Piven in his natural habitat.