Has Andy Pemberton Been Fired Yet?

Oh, there is no joy in Spinsville, which remains as confused as ever. This inquiring email arrived late yesterday:
so, what the hay is going on with andy pemberton? i have info that he is not, in fact, done with spin and he's still eic. i want the scoop.
Emailer then goes on to explain that her brother's roommate's cousin's doctor's business partner's girlfriend's mother's shrink's daughter-in-law's best friend's ex-wife writes for the mag sometimes, and she heard from Pemberton yesterday that he still wants her to write for the mag. So what's the deal? Is he still there? Was he — and God forbid this is true — actually just on a beach vacation? We have no idea — and it's too hot to make any phone calls to try to find out. So if you know what's going on, fill us in, won't you? Thanks.