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Emily Gordon of EmDashes has roped two anonymous New Yorker staff members into participating in a Q&A with her readers:

Starting soon, two New Yorker staffers (whose identities will remain a secret for now) will answer the best of your questions each month, right here on emdashes. Before that can happen, of course, these wise experts need some good, fun, challenging questions to answer. So what have you always wanted to know?

Where to begin? Off the top of our heads: When will David Sedaris be made EIC? Are rejected submissions used as toilet paper? How do fact-checkers not kill themselves? Has James Surowiecki ever touched a soccer ball? Are all of your cartoonists bitter divorcees? Is Gopnik's kid playing softball again?

We're sure you can think of so much more. Send in your pointed and/or insipid questions for the New Yorker (or post 'em in the comments), and at the end of the day we'll compile an interrogation-ready list of desired wisdom.

Sneak Preview: A New Column Written by... [EmDashes]