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So we caught up with our old college friend Ben while we were on vacation last week, and he excitedly informed us they'd he'd recently made it onto Overheard in New York. He'd been in New York and hadn't called? No, Ben explained, it was actually Brian's story; Ben thought it would be good for Overheard and so submitted it. Brian lives in New York now? No, Ben continued, Brian lives in Florida. So how did Brian's story, not-actually-overheard in Florida by Ben, make it onto Overheard in New York. "Oh, said I heard it in Central Park." Ben smiled.

We came home and checked Overheard's archives, and, sure enough, there was Brian's story, via Ben, set in Central Park. Egads! Our world was a little bit shattered. Does this sort of thing happen a lot? Are there smartass MBAs nationwide gaming the site? And is there anyway to prove that things allegedly overheard in New York were actually overheard here — or, for that matter, actually overheard?

We were going to email Morgan Friedman or Michael Malice for some answers, but then we realized we'd long ago stopped caring which one is still affiliated with the site and whether they're still feuding. Also, we realized we didn't really care — the shit's still funny, anyway.

We'll just never trust the internet again.

Weigh Two Long [OINY]