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We've learned not to necessarily trust all of the celebrity-related news flowing out of the current It-birthing destination of Namibia, but we've never been able to resist the lure of a shadily sourced report from the depths of the internets, especially one that suggests that not everyone in the African nation was thrilled to play host to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie:

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt should be banned from Namibia, say charity campaigners.

Namibia's National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) branded the couple "colonial overlords" and accused them of taking over the African country when Shiloh Nouvel was born this month.

An NSHR spokesman said: "To shut down a national border so she can give birth in peace is a massive abuse of power."

The human rights campaigners claim Angelina and Brad "used heavy-handed and brutal tactics" to persuade the Namibian government to agree to their demands.

Some research (read: Google) has revealed that the NSHR is a real human rights organization, and not, as we'd hoped, a Jennifer Aniston-backed disinformation concern set up to smear her ex-husband and the vixen who lured him away. Unfortunately, we can't find any evidence on their website that they've decried Hollywood's most genetically gifted goodwill ambassadors as heavy-handed, brutal overlords, so in the absence of that kind of proof, we're going to have to assume that this is just more of the wonderful baggage that Hollywood brings along when it colonizes a new vacation spot.

UPDATE: Here's an NSHR press release on state-supported paparazzi abuse on behalf of the privacy-seeking couple, but no mention of the overlord stuff.