Apologies for yesterday's to-do list, in which we suggested that you head over to the Bubble Lounge for some free champagne and readings from a slew of gossip writers. As it turns out, everyone backed out of the event — former Postette Bridget Harrison, Dana Vachon, Elizabeth Spiers, and Deborah Schoeneman all cancelled, leaving only ex-Page Sixer Ian Spiegelman at the podium (assuming he showed up, if only for the booze).

We don't know about the others, but this is the second event Schoeneman's recently pulled out of; she was scheduled for a roundtable discussion over lunch for the Bergdorf Goodman quarterly (what, you're not a subscriber?). The other panelists were Ian Spiegelman and Jared Paul Stern. Interestingly, Stern apparently gave Schoeneman an earful about her numerous television appearances commenting on Payola Six, in which she handed Stern her own guilty verdit (which is perhaps justified, but not when simultaneously promoting your own book about the gossip industry). And who really wants to deal with a pissy fedora over a nice lunch?

Or she could be avoiding Spiegelman. Equally plausible, equally wise.

Update: Contrary to linkage below and elsewhere, Deborah emails to clarify that she did not cancel, but actually read in front of a large crowd last night. The Bergdorf lunch was never scheduled, she notes.

Ex-Gossipers Provide Gossip Column Fodder [GalleyCat]