Erik Wemple Talks, Says Nothing New

The hard-charging reporters at Mediabistro's FishbowlDC finally succeed in landing the first post-wempling interview with kinda-sorta-almost Voice editor-in-chief Eric Wemple, who has since returned to the Washington City Paper. With a get like that, no doubt Fishbowl would deliver all the gory details, right?
FishbowlDC: How much of your decision to leave the Village Voice was personal vs. professional?
Wemple: The reason I didn't make it up there was that the Village Voice Media people and I couldn't come to terms over managing the newsroom.
FishbowlDC: Did the fact that many in Washington mourned your decision to leave DC play a role in your staying here?
Wemple: This is a really good question, in part because it's a clever way of rephrasing your first one. It was so nice that a lot of friends and acquaintances said sweet things when I announced leaving for the Voice. My wife and I love these people dearly. But they seemed excited about the opportunity and were kind of cheering us on. So in that sense, they weren't tugging us to stay put.
Yeah, the rest of it is about that groundbreaking, too.